
ERANOS LECTURES 3: Jewish And Gnostic Man, The Birth Of The Child by Gilles Quispel & Three Types Of Jewish Piety by Gershom Schloem

Subject: Eranos lectures. Judaism–Relations–Gnosticism. Gnosticism–Relations–Judaism. Spiritual life–Judaism. Jewish way of life. Quispel, Gilles, Birth of the child. Scholem, Gershom, 1897-1982, Three types of Jewish piety.
Copyright Year: 1973
Publisher: Spring Journal Books
Quantity Available: 1
ICCN: 85026137
Dewey: 296.38
IC Class: BM536.G54J481986
This title is from the Kate Millard Memorial Collection. These items are reference only and may not be checked out.1
Notes: RESERVE COLLECTION: IN LIBRARY USE ONLY, isbn 0882144030 (publisher’s format does not fit isbn box)
Admin Notes: PAUL O’DONELL donation