
ERANOS YEARBOOK PAPERS 02: The Mysteries: selections from (Joseph Campbell, Ed.) — (LOC alternate title: THE WAY OF MYTH)

Subject: Parapsychology. Spirit. Mysticim. Religion and mysteries. Religion and rites. Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961. Eranos meetings — Addresses, essays, lectures.
Copyright Year: 1954
Publisher: Pantheon Books [1955]
Quantity Available: 1
ISBN: 691097348
ICCN: 75306645
Dewey: 291.2
IC Class: BF1003 .E73
This title is from the Kate Millard Memorial Collection. These items are reference only and may not be checked out.1
Notes: LOC USES THE ALTERNATE TITLE Pagan and Christian mysteries : papers from the Eranos yearbooks