HISTORY OF THE PSYCHOANALYTIC MOVEMENT AND OTHER COLLECTED PAPERS, THE, Part 1 of the Collected Papers of Sigmund Freud (Collier,1963)
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ON PSYCHOLOGICAL AND VISIONARY ART: notes from C. G. Jung?ÇÖs Lecture on G??rard de Nerval?ÇÖs ‘Aur??lia’ (Philemon Foundation Series)
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HISTORY OF MODERN PSYCHOLOGY: lectures delivered at ETH Zurich, Volume 1, 1933-1934 [Philemon Series]
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ATOM AND ARCHETYPE: the Pauli/Jung letters, 1932-1958
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HOUSE OF C. G. JUNG: the history an restoration of the residence of Emma and Carl Gustav Jung-Raischenbach
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MILLIONTH CIRCLE, THE: how to change ourselves and the world
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TIMELESS DOCUMENTS OF THE SOUL (The Dialogue of a World-weary Man with his Ba: Berlin hieratic papyrus 3024, The Dream of Descartes, Psychological aspects in early Hasidic literature)
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AURORA CONSURGENS: a document attributed to Thomas Aquinas on the problem of opposites in alchemy: a companion work to C. G. Jung’s Mysterium Conjunctionis (edited by Marie-Louise von Franz)
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