WOMEN WHO RUN WITH THE WOLVES: myths and stories of the wild woman archetype
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WRITINGS OF ANNA FREUD, THE, VOLUME V, ‘Research at the Hampstead Child-Therapy Clinic, and other papers’,1956-1965
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AMOR AND PSYCHE: the psychic development of the feminine, a commentary on the tale by Apuleius
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AESOP’S FABLES: with a life of Aesop
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WILLIAM BLAKE: a new kind of man
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ART OF INDIAN ASIA, THE: its mythology and transformations, Vol. One – Text
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ART OF INDIAN ASIA, THE: its mythology and transformations, Vol. Two – Plates
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ANTHROPOSOPHICAL LEADING THOUGHTS: anthroposophy as a path of knowledge, the Michael mystery
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ARTHURIAN LEGENDS, THE: an illustrated anthology (Richard Barber, Ed.)
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