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MASTER’S THESIS (JOINT PAPER): ‘Confidentiality In Social Work Practice’

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SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING IN FEMALE PARTNERS OF THE TRAUMATICALLY HEAD-INJURED: the roles of time, life circumstances, personality an survivor functioning

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CUTTING EDGE, THE: the psychotherapy of borderline and narcissistic disorders

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DRAFT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF C. G. JUNG (Third Ed.) : for eventual publication in the Collected works of C. G. Jung by Bollingen series, Bollingen Foundation, New York [and] Routledge and Kegan Paul, ltd., London.

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AESTHETIC VIEWS IN THE ILLIAD SCHOLIA, THE (in Codex Ven. B and Townleianus) Shelved with Theses and Dissertations

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12th Annual San Francisco International Symposium, The (August 31-September 2, 1990)

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LECTURE NOTES: ‘Freud for Clinicians’- everything you wanted to know about Freud, but were too busy or P. C. to ask

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PRIVATE PAPER: ‘How Psychotherapy Works: a practical primer, the Weiss -Sampson approach and a comparative review of interactional schools’

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Ancient And Modern Healing, a study of an archetype’

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