
EARLY PSYCHOANALYTIC WRITINGS: Freud’s first studies of obsessions, phobias, anxieties, hysterias, and other symptoms of neuroses. Part 2 of the Collected Papers of Sigmund Freud (Collier,1963)

Subject: Psychoanalysis. [1] The history of the psychoanalytic movement.–[2] Early psychoanalytic writings.–[3] Therapy and technique.–[4] Dora, an analysis of a case of hysteria.–[5] The sexual enlightenment of children–[6] General psychological theory.–[7]
Copyright Year: 1963
Publisher: Collier Books (first paperback ed.)
Quantity Available: 1
Dewey: 1313462
IC Class: BF173 .F675
Notes: Compare with lccn 63-014965
Sigmund FreudAUTHOR
Philip RieffEDITOR
Philip RieffOTHER