
FROM FREUD TO JUNG: a comparative study of the psychology of the unconscious

Subject: Unconsciousness. Libido. Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961. Freud, Sigmund, 1857-1939.
Copyright Year: 1974
Publisher: Putnam for C.G. Jung Foundation Analyt. Psychology
Quantity Available: 2
ISBN: 913430242
ICCN: 73077114
Dewey: 150.19/5
IC Class: BF173.J85 F7413 1990
This title is from the Kate Millard Memorial Collection. These items are reference only and may not be checked out.1
Notes: One book in Stacks, one book in RESERVE COLLECTION: IN LIBRARY USE ONLY
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Liliane FreyrohnAUTHOR
Evelyn EngreenTRANSLATOR