
Mythologies, Vols. One and Two (a restructured translation of Dictionnaire des mythologies et des religions des socie&#769,te&#769,s traditionnelles et du monde antique)

Subject: Reference–Dictionary (Mythology). Mythologies–Dictionaries. Religion, Primitive–Dictionaries.
Copyright Year: 1991
Publisher: Univ. Chicago Press
Quantity Available: 1
ICCN: 90046982
Dewey: 2911303
IC Class: BL311.D5131990
This title is from the Kate Millard Memorial Collection. These items are reference only and may not be checked out.1
Notes: 2 VOLUME SET — RESERVE COLLECTION: IN LIBRARY USE ONLY, ISBN: 0226064530 (publisher’s format does not fit isbn box), TWO VOLUME SET
Yves BonnefoyAUTHOR
Gerald HonigsblumTRANSLATOR