Dr. Susan Schwartz – Illusions in the Mirror


Focus on the superficial is synonymous to the emptiness and deadness of our current times, accentuating the need for Eros or emotional relatedness. The discussion of the imposter and ‘as-if’ personality centers on the Bluebeard fairytale and what it reflects about our current person and culture. The male figure is monstrous, a killer, yet believed by all. We look at dreams and people examples that depict Bluebeard as an internal predator, masquerading, an imposter and functioning ‘as-if’ normal. How is our inner world, social media, the lure of AI all drawing us from an individual position to being collective robots? Where are the instincts, the life force and how do we wrest ourselves from this fascist state of mind and the grip of the complex? Are we living false or true and what is the difference?

Saturday, January 18, 2025

1-4pm PST

ONLINE Workshop


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Saturday Seminar: Illusions in the Mirror

Focus on the superficial is synonymous to the emptiness and deadness of our current times, accentuating the need for Eros or emotional relatedness. The discussion of the imposter and ‘as-if’ personality centers on the Bluebeard fairytale and what it reflects about our current person and culture. The male figure is monstrous, a killer, yet believed by all. We look at dreams and people examples that depict Bluebeard as an internal predator, masquerading, an imposter and functioning ‘as-if’ normal. How is our inner world, social media, the lure of AI all drawing us from an individual position to being collective robots? Where are the instincts, the life force and how do we wrest ourselves from this fascist state of mind and the grip of the complex? Are we living false or true and what is the difference?

Susan E. Schwartz, Ph.D. trained in Zurich, Switzerland as a Jungian analyst is also a clinical psychologist. She appears on many podcasts and presents at numerous Jungian conferences and teaching programs in the USA and worldwide. 

Susan has articles in journals and chapters on Jungian analytical psychology. Her books are: The Absent Father Effect on Daughters, Father Desire, Father Wounds translated into several languages; Imposter Syndrome and the ‘As-If’ Personality: The Fragility of Self (2023); A Jungian Exploration of the Puella Archetype: Girl Unfolding (2024) and An Analytical Exploration of Love and Narcissism (2025), all published by Routledge. Her Jungian analytical practice is in Paradise Valley, Arizona and website is www.susanschwartzphd.com.

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Event Details

Date: January 18, 2025

Start time: 01:00 p.m. PDT

End time: 04:00 p.m. PDT


Email: officemanager.jungseattle@gmail.com