WHERE PEOPLE FLY AND WATER RUNS UPHILL: using dreams to tap the wisdom of the unconscious

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MYTHS, RITES, SYMBOLS, VOL. 2: a Mircea Eliade reader

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MIRIAM’S TAMBOURINE: Jewish folktales from around the world

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MANDALA: luminous symbols for healing

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HISTORICAL ATLAS OF WORLD MYTHOLOGY, VOL. 2(1): the way of the seeded earth, the sacrifice

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KNIGHTS TEMPLAR AND THEIR MYTH, THE: a rational, terrifying picture of the barbaric times when popes were cruel and kings killed with impunity

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GUIDE TO QUAKER PRACTICE (Pendle Hill Pamphlet 20)

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CHANGE: eight lectures on the I Ching

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MIRACULOUS LIVING: a guided journey in Kabbalah through the ten gates of the tree of life

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NAVIGATING MIDLIFE: women becoming themselves

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